专访:“北京中心”执笔人陈柏旭(Fred Chen)先生
炎黄联合国际建筑工程设计有限公司 副总经理
Interviewee: Fred Chen, Designer of The Center of Beijing
Background: Representative of America UCA Designing Organization of China
Vice-generalManager of Uni-create Architects Co.Ltd
Member of the U.K. ImperialArchitect Institute
Master of Architecturefrom Tsinghua University
Introduction of Project: The evaluation of the TallestArchitecture Designing Competition was held in Tongzhou Government in December11th, 2011.Honorably, Fred Chenwas rewarded for his proposal of suspension design. There are some other well-knownparticipates in this evaluation as the French architect Portzamparc, Pulitzerwinner; German GMP Design Company, designer of National History Museum; ChinaWorld Trade Center Tower 3 and Woods Bagot Office, desigeer of NewPoly Plaza.The project is nearly completed after the adjustment and improvement, which isnow in the process of drawing by Architecture Design Institute of TsinghuaUniversity.
EA: After a period of preparation for bidding andfurther improvement, The Center of Beijing (temporary name) with a 318-metreheight, the tallest tower in the eastern part of the city, will rank thirdafter CCTV Tower (with a 405-metre height) and China World Trade Center Tower 3(with a 330-metre height).Can you tell us what breakthrough you have made inthis project?
Fred: “北京中心”是全钢结构的超高层建筑物,设计是以结构经济合理为前提开展的,希望能够将建筑结构和独特的形式结合在一起。建筑由八个接地点四级悬挂的空间悬连线组作为主要结构支撑体系,并将该系统旋转22.5度成为次级结构,这种优化的力学系统除具有优美的外形外,更是主要杆件在重力作用下轴向受力的最佳力学模型,这种结构形式将最大限度解放传统超高层塔楼中部核心筒的力学功能,实现建筑内部空间的灵活化。
Fred: The Center of Beijing, with steelframe construction, is designed for the purpose of rationaleconomic development. Combining with unique structure, we will take suspendingconnection in eight grounding points as the main strut. Then we revolvethe angle at the rate of 22.5 to make the architecture more graceful. Inaddition, we can realize the flexibility of internal space on the basis of modifyingtraditional concept for architecture design.
EA:When building such tall architecturein the center of Tongzhou canal, what’s your consideration in the interactionbetween overall layouts and unban development?
Fred: 考虑到该地区历史上和现在的城市空间形态,我们提出了“三塔定五河”的整体格局。通州五河交汇处为京杭运河衔接通惠河进京之所在,历史上具有精巧的风水格局,不宜打破。燃灯佛舍利塔为镇河之风水塔,更有守护北京东部青龙位的作用,位于京杭运河转接通惠河河弯内侧(交叉口东南角)。新的总体规划在运河东北设置了350超高层标志塔,将风水中心移动至河弯外侧,这样不太好。通过318米北京中心的建设,将与燃灯佛舍利塔及超高层标志塔共同作用,在周边区域形成稳定的“三塔定五河”布局。上海浦东也是由三栋超高层组成的稳定格局。
Fred: We propose the overall layouts in connection of three towers. Togetherwith Jinghang canal, Tonghui River joins in Tongzhou five rivers, which represents an exquisite structure historically. TheBuddhist relics Tower, located in the connection between Jinghangcanal and Tonghui River, is regardedas good fortune for people and the city. The tall building with a 318-metreheight in the new project may influence feng-shui. Accordingly, we change thesituation by the new design of The Center of Beijing,which connects the three towers. We share the same concept with the design ofShanghai Pudong tall buildings.
EA:What’s your opinion about architectural complex?
Fred: 北京中心总建筑面积地上50万平米,地下20万平米,由一栋主塔和五栋副塔构成。主塔是酒店、办公、商业综合体,副塔是办公楼,近地部分有8万平米的集中商业设施。主塔功能比较复杂,地下4层,地上66层,共有三个大堂,分别在地下一层、首层和65层。地下一层与地铁和商场连通,作为日常开车上下班办公人流的主入口;首层从周边四个方向均可进入,与地面广场紧密结合,复合了办公入口、酒店入口和空中会所入口。办公副塔是独立的纯高档5A级写字楼,将采用目前最先进的办公基础设施。商业部分地上三层地下一层(带夹层),共72500平米,为增加商业临街面、丰富城市空间尺度。建筑群具有四个层面的室外标高:-10米标高下沉庭院,与环隧相平,连接了两个地铁站,将人流引导致中央广场;0米标高城市广场,将城市道路统一铺装,成为了大面积开敞的城市广场;6.5及12.5米标高屋顶花园,分别位于建筑一层及二层屋顶,具有朝向水乡商业区方向的良好视野。建筑群将成为未来通州新城核心区的标志,成为京杭运河与通惠河交汇点的标志。
Fred: The Center of Beijing iscomposed of one main-tower and five sub-towers, with a covered area of 500,000sq m forground and 200,000sq m for basement. The main-tower may function as multiple sectorsfor hotels,offices, and commerce, and vice-tower asoffice only. We also provide centralized commercial facilities in nearly80,000sq m. The structure of main-tower is complex which contains 4 floors ofbasement, 66 floors of the over-ground and 3 lobbies separated in underground,1st floor and 65th floor. The underground connects subwayand shopping center, which functions as a garage for staff to and fro. Thereare four entrances on the 1st floor that closely join office, hoteland club house together. The vice-tower is a top 5-grade office building thatintroduces the greatest advanced office facilities. Commercial sector mayinclude 4 floors both under and over grounds, with an area of 72,500sq m. toenlarge its space. The architectural complex has a 4-layer outside level: acourtyard 10 meters below, which directs people freely from subway to CentralSquare; a public square that will be open widely along the road; two high-roofgardens with 6.5 and 12.5 meters, located on 1st floor and the roofof 2nd floor, will be nice sites for landscape. The architecturalcomplex, the linkage between Jinghang canal andTonghui River, will become the essential symbol in Tongzhou New Town.
EA:Can you giveus further details about the project, especially for its underground design andstructure?
Fred: 通州运河中心区是通州新城未来的核心,去年陈市长亲自主持邀请了包括贝聿铭事务所在内的世界各地知名建筑师对通州未来城市发展进行了研讨。北京中心超高层所在位置城市主干道地下有四层空间,包括最下层的地铁,上面的城市集中管廊,再上面的的机动车地下环形隧道,和最上面的商业街。整个区域地下四通八达,通过地下机动车环形隧道,将局部区域内的机动车交通在地下解决,而在地面形成了大面积的城市步行空间。这样的现代化城市高密度片区有点类似中关村西区的做法,并在其基础上扬长避短,有所改进。北京中心主塔的地下有四层地下室,负一层为地下商业区,通过下沉广场与城市衔接,同时与地铁站厅通过自动扶梯连接,负二层以地下车库为主,与城市地下环形隧道连接,是机动车进出该建筑的主要入口,负三层负四层均为地下车库和机房。我们在设计过程中试图创造一个地下四层立体交错、人车复合的空间,有大面积的吹拔,人在上面走,车在下面开,和地面以上的城市街道完全相同。在深化设计中,由于噪声和尾气问题,人车复合的设想没能实现,不过,依然创造了一个有活力的地下商业城市。
Fred: As the essential part of in Tongzhou New Town, Mayor Chen presided over a seminar for the urbandevelopment with some world famous architects last year. The Center of Beijingis structured with 4-level space underground that contains subway, centralized pipegallery, vehicle tunnel and shopping street. The whole area leads in alldirections not only for vehicle to move freely but expand the space of PedestrianStreet. Taking the design of ZhongGuancun west district as good example, wedevelop the strong points and avoid the weak ones. The main-tower has a 4-floorbasement: the shopping center joins the city with escalator of subway; the garage is the key entrance for vehicle linking with annular tunnel as well as generator room.During the process of the design, we try to create a compound space which canbe fully identical to the result of what we usually do over ground. Althoughour previous idea cannot be realized in the last deepening process, we stillcreate a vigorous underground shopping city.
EA:Can you tell us the main points anddifficulties when designing the tall architectures?
Fred: 超高层建筑近年在国内各地竞相建设,通常位于城市中心区最繁华地段。建筑物与城市的交通人流衔接、建筑内部立体交通组织以及建筑物的结构设计是超高层建筑面临的三个主要问题。超高层建筑物的建设将造成大量人流集中于较小城市地块的情况,会给周边城市道路带来巨大交通压力,在超高层建筑较为集中的区域需要通过地下交通分流的方式缓解地面交通压力,同时增加建筑物与城市的接口。建筑内部,如同多个高层建筑上下叠加,由一些列不同梯速和梯程的电梯以及消防逃生功能为主的楼梯联系在一起,需要根据人流量和功能需求进行综合计算来确定。结构方面主要需考虑风荷载和地震力荷载,以中心对称的建筑形式为最佳。
Fred: Recently, a greatmany cities are preparing for the structure of tall buildings within busy areasin the central parts. When designing architecture, we usually take three aspectsinto consideration like the connection between building and stream of people,interior solid transportation and the structure of the building. With theconstruction of tall buildings, some problems may arisesuch as density in small cities with traffic congestion. For this reason, weadopt traffic distributaries to make it accessible between the building and ourcity. For interior space of the building, we will make full use of elevatorsand escape stairs to balance the quantity of people. Meanwhile, we willintroduce central symmetry layout for the purpose of wind and earthquakeload.