Anchor stores: the largest retail outlets,usually located at the ends or corners of shopping centers, and chosen in partfor their potential to attract customers to the shopping center generally;departments stores usually anchor regional and super-regional malls andsupermarkets are typical anchors in community centers
Arcade: an entertainment area offeringcoin-operated computer games and other amusements
Back of the house: the office, stock room,and other non-retail areas of a store
Big box: a large stand-alone store thatspecializes in a single line of products, such as home improvements, toys, oroffice supplies; no-frills that sell in volume and category killers are oftenbig box stores
Brownfields: a potential shopping center site contaminated by chemicals, such asa former industrial location
Cart: a wheeled display from which merchandise is sold in pedestrianareas of a mall, often fitted out with shelves, display racks, and the like
Cart: 小型可移动商品销售轮车,零售商品通常放于货架上
Cash wrap: the front counter with the cashregister and often a wrapping or packing area
Category killer: a large national chainstore specializing in one line of products, such as home improvements, officesupplies, or toys, that can overwhelm both smaller and more diverse competitorsbecause of its size, variety of merchandise, and prices
Community room: an area available forpublic use, ranging from a bare meeting room that can accommodate foldingchairs and tables to a more elaborate hall with stage, adjacent kitchen, andother services
Double dumbbell shape: a cross-shapedshopping center with anchor stores at the end of each cross
Draw tenant: a store that attracts a largenumber of potential customers to a shopping center, often an anchor store
Draw tenant:固定商店,能够吸引特殊消费群体
Dumbbell: a linear shopping center withanchors stores on each end
Factory outlet: a retail store that sellsmerchandise direct from the manufacturer, usually at reduced prices
Food court: a separate area of a shoppingcenter containing fast-food outlets and a common seating area
Free-standing store: a retail outlet notassociated with a shopping center, especially those at a distance fromcongested shopping areas and downtowns
Greenfields: undeveloped land, particularlya site suitable for a shopping center
Gross leasable area (GLA): the total areaof floor space (usually cited in square feet) leased for retail shops, consumerservices, and entertainment, including restaurants. The total floor area of anyshopping center or mall is inevitably larger than the gross leasable area; thedifference can be accounted for by mall offices, utility areas, storage, restrooms, interior plazas, and other non-revenue producing spaces. Areas that arenot let on long-term leases, such as assembly halls, exhibition space, publicmeeting rooms, and the like are usually not included in GLA figures, thoughthey may produce some rental revenue.
Irregulars: salable merchandise with minorimperfections sold a reduced prices
Junior department store: (1) a smalldepartment store offering a limited selection of goods; (2) a scaled-downversion of a full-sized department store
Kiosk: a semi-permanent booth placed inpedestrian areas of a shopping center and used to sell small items or to offerspecific services, such as jewelry repair
Mall rat: young person who frequents ashopping center primarily for socializing and entertainment, rather than forshopping
L-shaped: a shopping center with two linearstrips of stores connected at right angles, forming the letter L; anchors aretypically located on the two ends or at the apex, with parking inside the apex;L-shaped is a common design for community-sized centers
Mall manager: the person employed by theowner or a management company to supervise daily operations of a shoppingcenter
Mall mayor: the retailer who acts as theinformal spokesperson for the tenants of a shopping center
Mall mayor:指零售商,负责与承租人联系工作
Mall walker: person who walks in a shoppingcenter for exercise, especially during a period set aside for this purposebefore stores have opened in the mornings
Market area: the geographical area fromwhich a shopping center draws its customers
Off-price center: a retail store that sellsbrand-name clothing or other goods (often with labels removed) at reducedprices
Outlot tenant: a free-standing retailer orservice located on a separate parcel in front of a shopping center; also calleda pad tenant
Outlot tenant:此类型零售商无固定店面,也称为地摊
Outparcel: (1) a physically separate storeor service, such as a restaurant, bank, office, or motel, included in ashopping center’s property; (2) unoccupied land on a shopping center's property
Outparcel: 多为独立自营店或者空置区域,归属于购物中心资产,如:餐馆、银行、办公室或汽车旅馆
Shrinkage: (1) difference between value ofinventoried merchandise and merchandise book value, attributable to waste, shopwear, carelessness, fraud, theft, and so on; (2) more specifically, loss ofmerchandise due to shoplifting, usually reported as a percentage of sales
T-shaped: a shopping center comprising twolinear arrays of stores forming the shape of the letter T, with anchor storesat each of the three ends and parking on all sides
Tall-wall stall: a temporary retailingdisplay and counter built against an empty wall
Temporary tenant: typically, a retailerthat rents space in a common area for a cart, kiosk, or tall-wall stall forless than a year
U-shaped: a linear array of stores formingthe shape of the letter U, with anchors placed in the center or on the two endsand parking inside the U