Airport mall: specialty retail,restaurants, and other services concentrated in airports
Arcade: a type of enclosed urban shoppingcenter popular in the 19th century, typically with an arched glass roof and tworows of shops either side of a pedestrian passageway, which often connected twoparallel streets
Community center: a shopping center of 100,000 to 350,000 square feet GLA, typicallyanchored by a one or two discount department, drug, or home improvement stores;they are commonly open, one-story, with stores arranged in a single strip, L-or U-shape
Convenience center: an open shopping centerwith fewer than half-a-dozen with stores offering day-to-day necessities, suchas a mini-mart, dry cleaners, wine and beer, video rentals, and the like
Enclosed mall: a shopping center entirelyinside a roofed structure, so that entrance to the mall is controlled by alimited number of entrances and most stores are accessible only via interiorcorridors
Entertainment complex: a shopping centerthat features theaters, restaurants, amusements and related retail stores
Fashion mall: a shopping center featuringstores that offer stylish clothing, posh merchandise, and quality consumergoods
Festival (or themed) marketplace:typically, an urban shopping center, featuring restaurant and entertainments,associated with a place of historic or cultural interest, such as Baltimore'sInner Harbor and Boston’s Faneuil Hall
主题商场:它是一种典型的,城市商业中心,饭店、娱乐中心,通常与历史遗址或者文化景点关联,例如巴尔提摩内港、波士顿Faneuil Hall 购物中心,都是此类。
Galleria: a glass-roofed mall or mallcourtyard, derived from the European glass-vaulted Victorian-era shoppingarcades, especially the design of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (built1867) in Milan, Italy
风雨商业街廊:有玻璃屋顶的商场或者商业走廊,它由欧洲维多利亚时代玻璃顶的商业拱廊发展而来,主要是沿用了建于1867年的意大利米兰的Galleria Vittorio EmanueleII商业中心模式。
Greyfields: a dying shopping center,specifically (according to Price-Waterhouse-Coopers) a center in which annualsales are less than $150 per square foot of retail space
Lifestyle center: typically, an open-air shopping center whosearray of retail outlets (such as women's fashion stores, jewelers, leathergoods, and restaurants) are designed to appeal to upscale consumers; lifestylecenters usually include attractive landscaping, fountains, outdoor seating, andother features that encourage browsing
-时尚生活方式中心在商业概念里,是指零售商店和相关休闲设施的综合体,由专业商业管理集团开发经营,业态业种复合度较高、行业多、功能多、商品结合的宽度较宽、为特定的目标客户群提供餐饮、娱乐、购物、休闲。走的是精致、品味、享受、雅致、特色型的经营路线,体现的是一种独具“小资”特色的生活品味,而不是传统购物中心所提倡的一站式购物。在lifestyle center里出现的商品将是大众消费中的精品,满足高消费、高品味消费者的诉求。是目前一种最为高级的商业模式。
Lifestylecenter近期产生于欧美一些大中型城市,有别于传统的Shopping mall,它不是简单地将多种业态堆集在一个大的封闭空间中,而是将景观、业态、建筑、功能等各种因素科学地结合在更开放的环境中。与Mall和传统的商业模式相比,Lifestyle center更加注重环境和建筑设计,更加注重消费者休闲娱乐的消费需求。
Mall: any large shopping center (usuallyenclosed) with adjacent parking and out buildings
Mall :起源于欧美,特指规模巨大、连成一体、包罗众多专卖店和商铺、集购物、休闲、娱乐、饮食为一体的商业中心或加盖的林荫道商业街。Mall原意是“林荫道”,现在也可译为“购物林荫道”,意指在Mall里肯定有一条或多条步行街,身临其境购物、消费或漫步,犹如在林荫道上闲逛一样舒适和惬意
Mixed-use center: an integrated complexthat may contain residences, offices, restaurants, theaters, a hotel and otherservices, in addition to retail stores
Neighborhood center: typically, an open-airshopping center of 30,000 to 150,000square feet GLA with 3 to 15 stores, anchored by a supermarket
Open-air: a shopping center in which storesare directly accessible to the public; exterior walkways may be covered, butthe stores are not enclosed under a single roof
Outlet (or off-price) mall: a shoppingcenter with national brand-name retailers, factory outlets, or close-outoutlets selling discounted merchandise
Power mall: a shopping center containingseveral category-killer stores, such as home-improvement, discount department,toys, and stationary
Regional center: a shopping center with400,000 to 800,000 square feet GLA, often an enclosed mall, with 40 to 100stores anchored by one or more department stores
A Regional Center is defined as anyeconomic entity, public or private, which is involved with the promotion ofeconomic growth, improved regional productivity, job creation and increaseddomestic capital investment.(U.S Citizenship andImmrigration Services USCIS)
Shopping center: a planned group ofconnected retail stores, usually with an attached parking area, speciallydeveloped on a parcel of private property and managed by a single organization
Strip: a small open-air neighborhoodshopping center, typically smaller than 10,000 square feet GLA , with at leastthree stores, arranged in a connected row facing a parking area
Super-regional center: the largestclassification of shopping center; it is usually an enclosed mall larger than800,000 square feet GLA with more than 100 stores, including several departmentstores
Urban mall: shopping center located withina city, the largest of which may be on several levels with adjacent multi-levelparking
Value-oriented mall: a large shoppingcenter characterized by low-end, discount, and outlet stores
Village center: an open-air shopping centerhaving several wings and often a central plaza